Friday, June 5, 2009


I work in the financial industry, and we do a lot of retirement planning where we talk about a client's goals, and how they are going to get there. Something clicked in me at homegroup this week (again, Pastor Seth, this is probably not what you were trying to teach!) and I realized that the principals also apply to faith. There are four questions to ask yourself.
Where are you at? - what you have and what you have learned
Where do you want to be? - something you are believing God for.
Can you get there? - you need to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
How are you going to get there? - you need a plan!

Faith is not a walk down a random path in the wilderness. Faith is a calculated, focused quest with a defined goal. If you can't pinpoint a goal, you need to get one! Whether it is something specific you are believing for, or looking for a revelation, faith demands a focal point. If your faith is focused you won't question where God leads you in the process.


Wendy said...

I love your perspective on this, Julie.

Rick Modien said...

Wow! Do I like this one, Julie.
I'm probably about as wishy-washy as most people are when it comes to defining goals in my life. Small wonder that nothing much seems to happen.
I guess I never put having goals and having faith together. I really appreciate you pointing this out. It makes sense that faith shouldn't be blind.
Thanks again.
Great post!